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Bruna and Daniel's Search in the Magic Forest

Bruna and Daniel decided to search for their younger brother in the magic forest.

Bruna - a brave girl with long brown hair. and Daniel - a curious boy with spiky blond hair. enter the colorful magic forest

They came across talking animals that promised to help.

Animals with colorful fur talk to Bruna - a brave girl with long brown hair. and Daniel - a curious boy with spiky blond hair.

The wise owl told Bruna and Daniel to follow the glowing trail.

A wise owl with glasses guides Bruna - a brave girl with long brown hair. and Daniel - a curious boy with spiky blond hair.

They found a sparkling river and a friendly frog jumped out.

A friendly frog with a crown greets Bruna - a brave girl with long brown hair. and Daniel - a curious boy with spiky blond hair.

The frog mentioned seeing their brother near a magical tree.

The frog tells Bruna - a brave girl with long brown hair. and Daniel - a curious boy with spiky blond hair. about a magical tree

As they reached the magical tree, they spotted their brother.

Bruna - a brave girl with long brown hair. and Daniel - a curious boy with spiky blond hair. find their brother near the magical tree

With joy, they hugged him and thanked the magic forest.

Bruna - a brave girl with long brown hair., Daniel - a curious boy with spiky blond hair., and their brother hug in gratitude

They returned home happily, filled with the magic of family.

Bruna - a brave girl with long brown hair., Daniel - a curious boy with spiky blond hair., and their brother walk back home

Reflection Questions

  • How did the owl help Bruna and Daniel?
  • Who did they find near the magical tree?
  • How did Bruna and Daniel feel when they found their brother?

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