Once upon a time, in a bright and bustling city, lived a hero named Captain Kornel. He was no ordinary man, for he rode a magical skateboard that zoomed through the streets like a silent flash of lightning. It gleamed under the sun, with colors swirling around it like a rainbow.
In his pocket ticked a little compass-watch, always spinning its hands until they pointed to someone in need. Today, it whirred and clicked, its hands spinning round and round before pointing to the park in the center of the city.
With a tap on his watch, Captain Kornel was off! The skateboard soared over the pavement, twisting and turning between the people. Children stopped playing to watch him zoom past, their eyes wide with wonder and their smiles as bright as the sun.
At the park, Captain Kornel found a group of bullies picking on a smaller child. With a swoosh, he landed in front of them on his skateboard. The bullies looked surprised, but Captain Kornel wasn't there to fight; he was there to teach.
Gathering the kids around, Captain Kornel told them a story about kindness and bravery. He spoke of a tiny mouse who saved a lion, and how true strength was in friendship and helping each other. The bullies listened, their frowns turning into thoughtful looks.
After the story, the bullies said sorry and asked the smaller child to play with them. Captain Kornel smiled, his mission complete. With a whoosh, his compass-watch started spinning again, ready to guide him to the next adventure.
Captain Kornel waved goodbye, hopped on his skateboard, and with the wind in his cape, he disappeared into the city, leaving behind a trail of sparkling magic. But the children knew, whenever someone was in trouble, Captain Kornel and his magical skateboard wouldn't be far away.