Once upon a time, in the town of Brightsville, there was a little cartoon named Cartoon. Cartoon had bright green skin, big purple eyes, and wore a yellow hat.
Cartoon loved to talk to everyone in Brightsville. He would say hello to the birds, chat with the flowers, and have conversations with his friends. Everyone loved Cartoon's positive and friendly nature.
One day, there was a big problem in Brightsville. The town's river had dried up, and the animals were thirsty. Cartoon knew he had to help!
Cartoon gathered all the animals and asked them to work together. He told them they needed to dig a new path for the river to flow. The animals agreed and started digging.
While the animals were working, Cartoon cheered them on and gave them words of encouragement. He told them they were doing a great job and that he believed in them.
After a lot of hard work, the animals finally finished digging the new river path. The water started flowing again, and the animals were no longer thirsty.
The town of Brightsville was grateful for Cartoon's help. They held a big party to thank him, and everyone danced and laughed together.
From that day on, Cartoon became the town's hero. Whenever there were problems, the people of Brightsville knew they could count on Cartoon to help and communicate positively.
Reflection Questions