Once upon a time, in a small town called Brightville, there lived a young boy named Case. Case was known for his love of colors. He had a magical paintbrush that could bring colors to life. One sunny day, Case decided to embark on a colorful journey.
Case's first stop was the Enchanted Forest. As he entered, he saw trees with leaves in vibrant shades of green, purple, and orange. The animals in the forest had coats of every color imaginable. Case painted a rainbow on the sky, making the forest even more magical.
Next, Case traveled to the Crystal Caves. The caves were filled with sparkling crystals of different colors. Case painted the walls with glowing patterns, creating a mesmerizing light show. The caves turned into a magical rainbow wonderland.
Case's journey took him to the Rainbow Beach. The sand was soft and golden, but Case wanted to make it even more special. He painted colorful seashells and created a giant sandcastle with rainbow towers. The beach became a paradise of colors.
Finally, Case arrived at the Colorful City. The buildings were painted in every shade imaginable, and the streets were filled with people wearing vibrant clothes. Case used his paintbrush to add colorful murals to the city walls, spreading joy to everyone.
Reflection Questions