Cat went to space, so high in the sky, To learn all about planets and fly very high. With a spacesuit on, and helmet on head, Off to the stars, Cat bravely sped.
First, Cat went to Mercury, so close to the sun, Its surface was hot, like an oven, not fun. Then Cat zoomed to Venus, with air so thick, No one could live there, it made Cat feel sick.
Next was Earth, Cat's home, so blue and so green, With oceans and mountains, the most beautiful scene. Cat waved from the sky, feeling happy and free, Then went to Mars, a dusty red planet to see.
Jupiter and Saturn, big and full of gas, Cat sailed through their storms, what a wild pass. Uranus and Neptune, so cold and so far, Cat shivered in space, like a twinkling star.
Finally, Cat reached Pluto, a tiny icy ball, Then turned around to head home, feeling small. With newfound knowledge of planets so grand, Cat shared the story all across the land.
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