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Cat and Dog's Fight with Joker

One sunny day, Cat and Dog were playing outside.

Fluffy orange cat with a blue collar and Spotted brown dog with a wagging tail playing outside on a sunny day

Suddenly, they heard a loud laugh. It was Joker!

Fluffy orange cat with a blue collar and Spotted brown dog with a wagging tail startled by Green-haired clown with a purple suit's laugh

Joker wanted to make mischief and have some fun.

Green-haired clown with a purple suit with mischievous expression and colorful clothes

Cat and Dog knew they had to stop Joker's tricks.

Fluffy orange cat with a blue collar and Spotted brown dog with a wagging tail determined to stop Green-haired clown with a purple suit

Joker started throwing banana peels on the ground.

Green-haired clown with a purple suit throwing banana peels and laughing

Cat and Dog cleverly avoided the banana peels.

Fluffy orange cat with a blue collar and Spotted brown dog with a wagging tail jumping over banana peels

Then, Joker sprayed water all over the place.

Green-haired clown with a purple suit spraying water from a squirting flower

Cat and Dog used an umbrella to stay dry.

Fluffy orange cat with a blue collar and Spotted brown dog with a wagging tail staying dry under an umbrella

Finally, Joker tried to tickle them with feathers.

Green-haired clown with a purple suit tickling Fluffy orange cat with a blue collar and Spotted brown dog with a wagging tail with feathers

But Cat and Dog tickled Joker back, making him laugh.

Fluffy orange cat with a blue collar and Spotted brown dog with a wagging tail tickling Green-haired clown with a purple suit and making him laugh

Reflection Questions

  • What did Joker want to do?
  • How did Cat and Dog stop Joker's tricks?
  • What happened when Cat and Dog tickled Joker?

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