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Charlotte's Web

Once upon a time, there was a spider named Charlotte. She lived in a big barn on a farm. One day, she saw a little pig named Wilbur. Wilbur was sad because he didn't have any friends. Charlotte felt sorry for him and decided to be his friend.

Friendship means being kind and caring for each other. Can you think of a time when you were a good friend?

In a big barn on a farm, Charlotte is a kind spider with eight legs and a round body the spider sees Wilbur is a cute pig with pink skin and a curly tail the pig. They become friends.

Every day, Charlotte and Wilbur would talk and play together. They had so much fun! But one day, Wilbur found out that he was going to be turned into bacon. He was very scared.

Scared means feeling afraid or frightened. Can you think of something that makes you scared?

Charlotte is a kind spider with eight legs and a round body and Wilbur is a cute pig with pink skin and a curly tail talk and play together. Wilbur is a cute pig with pink skin and a curly tail gets scared when he learns he might become bacon.

Charlotte didn't want her friend to be eaten, so she came up with a plan. She spun beautiful words in her web to make people think Wilbur was special. Everyone in the farm started talking about Wilbur and how amazing he was.

Special means unique and important. Can you think of something that makes you special?

Charlotte is a kind spider with eight legs and a round body spins words in her web to make people think Wilbur is a cute pig with pink skin and a curly tail is special. Everyone talks about him.

Because of Charlotte's web, Wilbur became famous and people didn't want to eat him anymore. They realized how special he was. Wilbur was so happy and grateful to have such a good friend like Charlotte.

Grateful means feeling thankful and appreciative. Can you think of something you are grateful for?

Wilbur is a cute pig with pink skin and a curly tail becomes famous because of Charlotte is a kind spider with eight legs and a round body's web. He is happy and grateful for his friend.

Charlotte and Wilbur stayed friends forever. They always remembered the power of their friendship and how they helped each other. And that's the end of the story.

Friendship is a special bond that lasts forever. Can you think of a friend you want to be friends with forever?

Charlotte is a kind spider with eight legs and a round body and Wilbur is a cute pig with pink skin and a curly tail remain friends forever, remembering the power of their friendship.

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