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Chonkita 对糖果景观感到惊叹
Chonkita Amazed by the Candy Landscape
Chonkita 醒来发现自己身处一个充满糖果的世界! Chonkita woke up in a world full of sweets!

Word: 'woke'. Definition: to wake from sleep. Can you use 'woke' in a sentence?

a joyful girl with tan skin and bright green eyes opens eyes to see a candy world.
棒棒糖树在微风中沙沙作响。 Lollipop trees rustled in the jelly breeze.

Word: 'rustled'. Definition: to make a soft, muffled crackling sound. Make a sentence with 'rustled'.

Lollipop trees and jelly wind are introduced.
棉花糖鸟飞过巧克力河。 Marshmallow birds flew over the chocolate river.

Word: 'flew'. Definition: to move through the air with wings. Use 'flew' in your own sentence.

fluffy and white with tiny chocolate chip eyes and chocolate river spotted by a joyful girl with tan skin and bright green eyes.
软糖鱼在拐杖糖波浪中快乐地跳跃。 Gummy fish jumped happily in candy cane waves.

Word: 'jumped'. Definition: to spring into the air. Can you make a sentence with 'jumped'?

translucent and colorful with gleeful expressions in a river made with candy canes.
乔基塔 (Chonkita) 跳过了一座用饼干做成的桥。 Chonkita skipped across a bridge made of cookies.

Word: 'skipped'. Definition: to move with a hopping step. Create a sentence using 'skipped'.

a joyful girl with tan skin and bright green eyes is crossing a cookie bridge.
姜饼人在小路边排成一排跳舞。 Gingerbread men danced in a row by the path.

Word: 'danced'. Definition: to move rhythmically to music. Use 'danced' in a sentence.

Dancing gingerbread men next to a pathway.
她闻到了来自饼山的甜美空气。 She smelled the sweet air from the pie mountains.

Word: 'smelled'. Definition: to sense an odor. Make a sentence with 'smelled'.

a joyful girl with tan skin and bright green eyes smells the air, sees pie-shaped mountains.
一只巧克力松鼠急忙爬上一棵软糖树。 A chocolate chip squirrel scurried up a fudge tree.

Word: 'scurried'. Definition: to move hurriedly with short steps. Can you use 'scurried' in a sentence?

Squirrel races up a tree made of fudge.
乔基塔从地上捡了一朵甘草花。 Chonkita picked a licorice flower from the ground.

Word: 'picked'. Definition: to select or pluck. Use 'picked' in your own sentence.

a joyful girl with tan skin and bright green eyes picks a unique licorice plant.
天空中飘落下一阵细雨,她在其中旋转。 She twirled under a rain of sprinkles from the sky.

Word: 'twirled'. Definition: to spin around. Make a sentence with 'twirled'.

a joyful girl with tan skin and bright green eyes is twirling, sprinkles falling from above.
一位糖苹果朋友微笑着向 Chonkita 挥手。 A candy apple friend smiled and waved at Chonkita.

Word: 'smiled'. Definition: to make a smile. Use 'smiled' in a sentence.

a joyful girl with tan skin and bright green eyes meets a smiling candy apple character.
他们一起探索,对这个甜蜜的世界感到惊叹。 Together they explored, amazed by the sweet world.

Word: 'explored'. Definition: to travel through an unknown area. Can you make up a sentence using 'explored'?

a joyful girl with tan skin and bright green eyes and candy apple explore the candy landscape.

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