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Cinderella: The Midnight Princess

Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom, there lived a beautiful girl named Cinderella. She had golden hair and sparkling blue eyes. Cinderella lived with her stepmother and two stepsisters in a big house. But she was treated very poorly by them.

Golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, kind and gentle, fair skin standing in front of a big house, looking sad

Every day, Cinderella had to do all the chores in the house while her stepsisters did nothing. She cleaned, cooked, and took care of the garden. Despite all the hard work, Cinderella remained kind and gentle.

Golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, kind and gentle, fair skin sweeping the floor while her stepsisters relax

One day, an invitation to the grand royal ball arrived at Cinderella's doorstep. The king was throwing a party in search of a bride for his son, Prince Charming. Everyone in the kingdom was invited, including Cinderella's stepfamily.

Golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, kind and gentle, fair skin holding the invitation with excitement

Cinderella was overjoyed at the thought of going to the ball and meeting the prince. But her stepmother and stepsisters were not happy for her. They laughed and said, 'You cannot go to the ball, Cinderella. You are nothing but a servant.'

Golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, kind and gentle, fair skin looking sad while her stepmother and stepsisters mock her

Cinderella ran to her little room and cried. Just when she thought all hope was lost, a little old lady appeared before her. She had a magical wand and said, 'Don't worry, my dear. I will help you go to the ball.'

Golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, kind and gentle, fair skin talking to the kind old lady with a magical wand

With a wave of her wand, the old lady turned Cinderella's rags into a beautiful gown and her old shoes into glass slippers. Cinderella couldn't believe her eyes! The old lady warned her, 'Remember, my dear, the magic will only last until midnight.'

Golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, kind and gentle, fair skin transformed into a princess with a beautiful gown and glass slippers

Cinderella arrived at the grand royal ball, and everyone was captivated by her beauty. Prince Charming was instantly drawn to her and asked her to dance. They danced and laughed all night, forgetting about the passing time.

Golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, kind and gentle, fair skin dancing with Charming and handsome, brown hair, blue eyes, fair skin at the grand royal ball

As the clock struck midnight, Cinderella remembered what the old lady had said. She rushed out of the ballroom, leaving behind one of her glass slippers. Prince Charming tried to chase after her but couldn't find her.

Golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, kind and gentle, fair skin running away from the ball, leaving her glass slipper behind

The next day, the prince announced that he would search the entire kingdom to find the girl who fit into the glass slipper. Many girls tried, but none could wear the slipper. Cinderella's stepsisters even tried to squeeze their feet into it!

Charming and handsome, brown hair, blue eyes, fair skin trying the glass slipper on Golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, kind and gentle, fair skin's stepsisters while they struggle

Finally, Cinderella's turn came. As soon as she put on the glass slipper, it fit perfectly. The prince knew he had found the girl he had been searching for! He and Cinderella were married, and they lived happily ever after, with Cinderella becoming the midnight princess.

Charming and handsome, brown hair, blue eyes, fair skin kneeling down to put the glass slipper on Golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, kind and gentle, fair skin's foot

Reflection Questions

  • How did Cinderella's stepmother and stepsisters treat her?
  • Who helped Cinderella go to the ball?
  • What happened when the clock struck midnight?

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