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Cloud Friends

Once upon a time, in a big blue sky, there were two cloud friends named Fluffy and Whitey. Fluffy was round and fluffy like a cotton ball, while Whitey was long and thin like a noodle. They loved to play together and make different shapes with their cloud bodies.

Two cloud friends explore the sky, fluffy and thin clouds

One day, Fluffy and Whitey decided to create a shape together. They merged their clouds and formed a big heart shape. It floated happily in the sky, spreading love to all the creatures below. Everyone on the ground looked up and smiled.

Round and fluffy like a cotton ball and Long and thin like a noodle make a heart shape in the sky

The next day, Fluffy and Whitey wanted to make a shape that would make people laugh. They giggled as they worked together, forming a cloud that looked like a funny clown. It had a big red nose and colorful polka dots. The clown cloud made everyone laugh and brightened up their day.

Round and fluffy like a cotton ball and Long and thin like a noodle create a clown cloud

On another day, Fluffy and Whitey wanted to create a shape that would bring peace and calm. They joined their clouds and shaped it into a beautiful dove. The dove cloud flew gracefully in the sky, spreading a sense of serenity and hope to everyone who saw it.

Round and fluffy like a cotton ball and Long and thin like a noodle create a dove cloud

Fluffy and Whitey continued to create different shapes together, bringing joy and happiness to everyone around. They made a star, a smiley face, and even a rainbow. Each shape had its own special meaning and brought smiles to people's faces.

Round and fluffy like a cotton ball and Long and thin like a noodle create various shapes in the sky

As the sun started to set, Fluffy and Whitey said goodbye to each other, promising to meet again the next day. They floated away, leaving behind a colorful sky filled with the shapes they had made. The world went to sleep, knowing that Fluffy and Whitey would bring more joy and wonder with their cloud creations.

Round and fluffy like a cotton ball and Long and thin like a noodle say goodbye, colorful sky with cloud shapes

Reflection Questions

  • What was the first shape Fluffy and Whitey made together?
  • What feeling did the dove cloud bring to people?
  • What did Fluffy and Whitey promise each other?

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