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Coconut Patties
empanadas de coco
In a yellow bag, a taste divine, Creamy coconut, a flavor so fine, Coconut Patties, a treat so sweet, With dark chocolate coating, a tempting feat. En una bolsa amarilla, un sabor divino, Coco cremoso, un sabor tan fino, Empanadas de coco, una delicia tan dulce, Con cobertura de chocolate negro, una proeza tentadora.
Yellow bag with Coconut Patties and dark chocolate
Meet Lily and Max on a sunny day, Sharing their snacks, having fun and play. Conoce a Lily y Max en un día soleado, compartiendo sus bocadillos, divirtiéndose y jugando.
Lily and Max eating Coconut Patties
Lily takes a bite, smiles with delight, She offers Max a treat, out of sight. Lily le da un mordisco, sonríe con deleite, le ofrece un regalo a Max, fuera de la vista.
Lily offers Max a Coconut Patty
Max thanks Lily, his eyes all aglow, Friendship grows with the coconut's glow. Max agradece a Lily, sus ojos brillan, la amistad crece con el brillo del coco.
Max smiling and thanking Lily
At school the next day, they talk and share, About Coconut Patties, a tasty affair. En la escuela al día siguiente, hablan y comparten Acerca de las empanadas de coco, un asunto sabroso.
Lily and Max talking at school
Their friends gather 'round, curious and bright, Lily and Max explain and share their delight. Sus amigos se reúnen alrededor, curiosos y brillantes, Lily y Max explican y comparten su deleite.
Lily and Max explaining Coconut Patties
The friends try them too, a sweet surprise, Everyone smiles, their taste buds arise. Los amigos también las prueban, una dulce sorpresa, Todos sonríen, sus papilas gustativas se despiertan.
Friends trying Coconut Patties
Coconut Patties bring joy and cheer, Through sharing and caring, so crystal clear. Las empanadas de coco traen alegría y alegría, a través de compartir y cuidar, tan claro como el cristal.
Coconut Patties bringing joy and cheer
At the park, Lily and Max run and play, Sharing their treats throughout the day. En el parque, Lily y Max corren y juegan, compartiendo sus golosinas durante todo el día.
Lily, Max, and friends playing at the park
They pass a girl all alone and sad, Lily gives her a patty, it's not so bad. Pasan una chica sola y triste, Lily le da una patada, no es tan malo.
Lily giving a patty to a sad girl

Reflection Questions

  • How do Lily and Max feel about Coconut Patties?
  • What do Lily and Max do with their friends?
  • How do Coconut Patties bring joy and cheer?

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