In a bright, colorful town, there was a little girl named Cora with a bright smile and a heart full of wonder. Cora had a big challenge ahead of her: learning to ride a bike without training wheels. 'You can do it!' cheered her parents.
Cora felt the wobbles and jitters as her feet pushed on the pedals. She was scared of scraping her knees. But with a deep breath, she whispered, 'Be brave, Cora,' and off she went! Zooming down the sidewalk, the wind cheered along.
After her bike adventure, Cora faced a new challenge. The swimming pool glistened, but Cora hugged the edge, nervous about the deep water. Her friends called out, 'Come on, Cora, you'll love it!'
With a splash, Cora let go of the side and kicked her legs. Splish-splash! Her arms pulled her forward, and she was swimming! 'I'm doing it!' she yelled, laughing and making waves. Her friends clapped and cheered for brave Cora.
That night, after a big day of adventures, Cora faced her scariest challenge yet. Her teddy bear was in the dark closet! Cora stood at the closet door, her heart thumping like a drum. 'Teddy needs me,' she said, reaching for the doorknob.
The closet was dark as midnight, but Cora remembered her bike and swimming victories. She flicked on her flashlight and there was Teddy! 'I found you!' Cora hugged her bear tight, proud of her brave heart.
Cora fell asleep with Teddy by her side, dreaming of riding bikes and swimming pools. The dark wasn’t so scary anymore because Cora knew she could be brave. And inside her, that brave little spark grew brighter each day.