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Cora Can Be Brave

Once upon a time in a colorful town, there was a little girl named Cora. Cora had a bright red bicycle with shining wheels. She wanted to ride so badly, but she was scared of falling. 'I don't want to get boo-boos,' she whispered.

Introduction to Little girl, long brown hair, big brown eyes, always wears a pink jacket and her red bike, Little girl, long brown hair, big brown eyes, always wears a pink jacket expressing her fear.

Her dad smiled and said, 'It's okay to be scared, Cora. But let's just try. I'll hold onto the bike.' Cora nodded, put on her helmet, and climbed on. Her heart thumped like a drum, but as she pedaled, her dad running beside her, she felt a wind whooshing. 'You're doing it!' he cheered.

Little girl, long brown hair, big brown eyes, always wears a pink jacket gets encouragement from her dad, attempts riding the bike.

The second challenge was at the big blue pool, where Cora had her swimming lessons. 'Water is so wobbly and deep,' she said, clutching her swim ring. Her swimming teacher, Mrs. Ripple, smiled with kind eyes. 'I’ll be right here with you,' she promised. Taking a deep breath, Cora dipped her toes in.

Little girl, long brown hair, big brown eyes, always wears a pink jacket at the pool with her swim ring, hesitating, with Swimming teacher with curly blonde hair, blue eyes, wears a bright swimsuit.

With each lesson, Cora splashed and kicked more. She even learned to float on her back, gazing up at the fluffy clouds. 'Look! I'm floating like a boat,' Cora giggled, feeling less afraid each time. Water was not so scary after all.

Little girl, long brown hair, big brown eyes, always wears a pink jacket learning to swim, overcoming her fear of water.

The third challenge was in her own room, when nighttime wrapped the world in shadows. Cora's teddy bear, Mr. Snuggles, was lost in the dark closet. 'I don’t like the dark; scary monsters might be in there!' she said. But she loved Mr. Snuggles more than she feared dark closets.

Little girl, long brown hair, big brown eyes, always wears a pink jacket's fear of the dark, her teddy bear in the closet.

Taking a deep, brave breath, Cora tiptoed to the closet. Her heart fluttered like butterfly wings. With a small flashlight, she peeked inside. Clothes, shoes, and... there! Her teddy bear's eyes twinkled in the light. 'Gotcha!' she exclaimed, hugging Mr. Snuggles tight.

Little girl, long brown hair, big brown eyes, always wears a pink jacket approaches the closet, finds Fluffy brown teddy bear with a red ribbon and kind, shiny eyes with her flashlight.

Each time Cora faced her fears, she learned that being brave wasn't about not feeling scared. It was about trying even when you feel butterflies in your stomach. And each night, with Mr. Snuggles back in bed, Cora drifted to sleep, dreaming of all the adventures she could have now that she knew she could be brave.

Little girl, long brown hair, big brown eyes, always wears a pink jacket reflecting on bravery, her adventures, and feeling proud.

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