Once upon a time, there was a curious little girl named Lily. She loved exploring and asking questions about everything. One day, she found a special telescope in her attic. When she looked through it, she could see the entire solar system!
With her magic telescope, Lily zoomed through the stars and planets. She visited Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun. It was blazing hot with no air to breathe!
Next, Lily zoomed to Venus, the brightest planet in the sky. She saw thick clouds covering Venus, making it super gloomy and extremely hot!
Lily continued her journey and reached Earth, our beautiful blue planet. She saw vast oceans, tall mountains, and green forests. It was the perfect place for humans and animals to live!
After exploring Earth, Lily flew towards Mars. It had a reddish color and dusty storms. Lily imagined what it would be like to be the first person to step foot on Mars!
Next, Lily flew past Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system. It had colorful stripes and a big red spot. Lily wondered if there could be alien creatures living there!
Lily's journey took her to Saturn, the planet famous for its beautiful rings. She saw the rings made of ice and rocks spinning around the planet. It was like a giant cosmic jewelry!
Finally, Lily reached the last planet, Neptune. It was a freezing cold world with deep blue storms. Lily felt grateful to have her magic telescope to explore the wonders of the solar system.
Reflection Questions