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Cycles of Life
Ciclos de la vida
Sarah was a curious and observant girl. Sarah era una niña curiosa y observadora.
Sarah standing in a field, looking up at the sky
One day, as she turned 14, she noticed something new. Un día, cuando cumplió 14 años, notó algo nuevo.
Sarah looking surprised and holding her stomach
Her mother explained that she had just started her period. Su madre explicó que acababa de comenzar su período.
Sarah's mother sitting beside her, explaining with a smile
Sarah learned about the little cycle of her body. Sarah aprendió sobre el pequeño ciclo de su cuerpo.
Sarah sitting at a desk, reading a book
She realized that every month, this cycle would repeat. Se dio cuenta de que cada mes, este ciclo se repetiría.
Sarah holding a calendar and marking dates
One night, Sarah noticed something else. Una noche, Sarah notó algo más.
Sarah in her bedroom, staring at the moon
She noticed that the moon went through cycles too. Se dio cuenta de que la luna también pasaba por ciclos.
Sarah pointing at the moon with a curious expression
As time went on, Sarah started noticing more cycles. Con el paso del tiempo, Sarah comenzó a notar más ciclos.
Sarah in various settings, observing different things
She understood that just like the moon, life had ups and downs. Ella entendió que al igual que la luna, la vida tenía altibajos.
Sarah sitting on a hill, looking at the sky
With each challenge, Sarah learned how to persevere. Con cada desafío, Sarah aprendió a perseverar.
Sarah standing tall, with a determined expression

Reflection Questions

  • How did Sarah feel when she started her period?
  • What did Sarah notice about the moon?
  • How did Sarah learn to persevere?

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