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Da the Duck Farmer

In a small village by the border, a young student named Da lived near a flowing river.

Introduction of Da, a diligent student with tan skin, black hair, friendly brown eyes, a student in a border patrol school village

Da went to a school that trained kids to help keep their village safe and peaceful.

Da, a diligent student with tan skin, black hair, friendly brown eyes in school, training to become a border patrol officer

After school, Da always rushed home to his favorite activity: taking care of his ducks.

Da, a diligent student with tan skin, black hair, friendly brown eyes going home to care for his ducks

He had many ducks, but his favorite were the catfish ducks because of their playful nature.

Da, a diligent student with tan skin, black hair, friendly brown eyes with his ducks, favorite catfish ducks

Every day, Da would feed his ducks. He made sure they had plenty of food to grow healthy.

Da, a diligent student with tan skin, black hair, friendly brown eyes feeding his ducks a proper meal

The ducks grew fast, swimming and splashing, happy with their life by the river.

Da, a diligent student with tan skin, black hair, friendly brown eyes's ducks growing in the river

One day, Da decided it was time to catch some ducks for the village market.

Da, a diligent student with tan skin, black hair, friendly brown eyes preparing to catch ducks for sale

He carefully caught the ducks, making sure not to hurt them, for they were his friends.

Da, a diligent student with tan skin, black hair, friendly brown eyes catching ducks compassionately

At the market, Da's ducks were very popular. People loved how big and healthy they looked.

Da, a diligent student with tan skin, black hair, friendly brown eyes at the market with popular ducks

With the money he earned, Da bought more food for his ducks and school supplies for himself.

Da, a diligent student with tan skin, black hair, friendly brown eyes investing earnings in his ducks and education

Da was proud. He helped his village, his ducks, and his own future all at the same time.

Da, a diligent student with tan skin, black hair, friendly brown eyes feeling proud of his achievements

The villagers appreciated Da, and Da learned that hard work and care creates happiness.

Da, a diligent student with tan skin, black hair, friendly brown eyes praised by villagers, learning valuable lessons

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Da feels about his ducks and why?
  • Why is it important for Da to take care of his ducks and his education?
  • How can helping others bring happiness to oneself, like Da experienced?

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