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Daddy's Plane Adventure

Lily waved to her Daddy at the door. 'I'll miss you!' she said.

4-year-old white girl, blue eyes, brown hair, cheerful, a 4-year-old girl, waves goodbye to her father.

Daddy hugged Lily tight. 'I'll be back very soon,' he promised.

4-year-old white girl, blue eyes, brown hair, cheerful, a 4-year-old girl, waves goodbye to her father.

Lily's eyes were sad, but she nodded. 'Okay, Daddy. Be safe!'

4-year-old white girl, blue eyes, brown hair, cheerful, a 4-year-old girl, waves goodbye to her father.

At home, Lily and Mommy marked a calendar. Only three sleeps until Daddy's home!

4-year-old white girl, blue eyes, brown hair, cheerful, a 4-year-old girl, waves goodbye to her father.

The next day, Lily made a drawing for Daddy’s return. It was a big, red plane.

4-year-old white girl, blue eyes, brown hair, cheerful, a 4-year-old girl, waves goodbye to her father.

Mommy told Lily stories about Daddy's work. She felt proud.

4-year-old white girl, blue eyes, brown hair, cheerful, a 4-year-old girl, waves goodbye to her father.

Thursday night, Lily looked at the stars. 'I hope Daddy sees these too,' she whispered.

4-year-old white girl, blue eyes, brown hair, cheerful, a 4-year-old girl, waves goodbye to her father.

Friday came. Lily helped Mommy bake cookies for Daddy’s return.

4-year-old white girl, blue eyes, brown hair, cheerful, a 4-year-old girl, waves goodbye to her father.

That night, Lily felt happy. 'Tomorrow, Daddy will be home!'

4-year-old white girl, blue eyes, brown  hair, cheerful, a 4-year-old girl, waves goodbye to her father.

Saturday morning, Lily and Mommy went to the airport. Lily held her drawing up high.

4-year-old white girl, blue eyes, brown hair, cheerful, a 4-year-old girl, waves goodbye to her father.

Finally, Daddy came through the gate. Lily ran to him. 'Daddy, Daddy!'

4-year-old white girl, blue eyes, brown hair, cheerful, a 4-year-old girl, waves goodbye to her father.

Daddy scooped Lily into his arms. 'I missed you so much!' he said with a smile.

4-year-old white girl, blue eyes, brown hair, cheerful, a 4-year-old girl, waves goodbye to her father.

Reflection Questions

  • Why do you think Lily felt sad when her Daddy was leaving?
  • How did marking the calendar and baking cookies help Lily while her Daddy was away?
  • What can we do to show someone we missed them when they are away?

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