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Daisy the Dragon Learns to Count
ديزي التنين يتعلم العد
Once upon a time, in a green meadow, there was a baby dragon named Daisy. ذات مرة، في مرج أخضر، كان هناك تنين صغير اسمه ديزي.
A green meadow with colorful flowers and a baby dragon named A cute baby dragon with green scales and big sparkling eyes sitting on a grassy hill
Daisy loved exploring and playing with her friends. But there was one thing she couldn't do – count. كانت ديزي تحب الاستكشاف واللعب مع أصدقائها. ولكن كان هناك شيء واحد لم تستطع فعله وهو العد.
A cute baby dragon with green scales and big sparkling eyes playing with her animal friends, with a puzzled expression on her face
Determined to learn, Daisy asked her wise owl friend for help. The owl taught her how to count from one to five. عاقدة العزم على التعلم، طلبت ديزي من صديقتها البومة الحكيمة المساعدة. علمتها البومة كيفية العد من واحد إلى خمسة.
A cute baby dragon with green scales and big sparkling eyes sitting next to the wise owl, who is pointing to numbers from one to five on a tree trunk
Every day, Daisy practiced counting. She counted the flowers, the clouds, and even her own fire-breathing sparks. كانت ديزي تمارس العد كل يوم. لقد أحصيت الزهور، والغيوم، وحتى شراراتها التي تنفث النار.
A cute baby dragon with green scales and big sparkling eyes sitting in a field, counting flowers and pointing to the clouds and her fire-breathing sparks
One day, Daisy surprised everyone by counting to ten! She was so excited and proud of herself. في أحد الأيام، فاجأت ديزي الجميع بالعد إلى عشرة! وكانت متحمسة جداً وفخورة بنفسها.
A cute baby dragon with green scales and big sparkling eyes jumping with joy, with her animal friends looking amazed as she points to numbers from one to ten
From that day forward, Daisy became the best counter in the dragon kingdom. She helped her friends learn to count too. منذ ذلك اليوم فصاعدًا، أصبحت ديزي أفضل عداد في مملكة التنين. لقد ساعدت صديقاتها على تعلم العد أيضًا.
A cute baby dragon with green scales and big sparkling eyes surrounded by her animal friends, who are looking at her with admiration as she counts with her wings spread
And whenever Daisy saw someone struggling to count, she would say, 'Don't give up! Just keep trying!' وكلما رأت ديزي شخصًا يكافح في العد، كانت تقول: "لا تستسلم!" واصل المحاولة!'
A cute baby dragon with green scales and big sparkling eyes talking to a fellow dragon with a determined expression, pointing to numbers from one to five on her fingers
And they all lived happily ever after, counting and learning new things every day. وقد عاشوا جميعًا في سعادة دائمة، وكانوا يعدون ويتعلمون أشياء جديدة كل يوم.
A cute baby dragon with green scales and big sparkling eyes and her animal friends playing and counting together, with smiles on their faces

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