Once upon a time in a magical kingdom, there lived a pony named Dala Vault.
Dala Vault had a shimmering silver coat and a beautiful golden horn on her forehead.
Every time Dala Vault touched a flower, it would bloom into the brightest colors imaginable.
She loved playing with the children in the kingdom, spreading joy and laughter wherever she went.
One day, a wicked witch saw Dala Vault's magical powers and became jealous.
The wicked witch cast a spell on Dala Vault and turned her into a stone statue.
The children of the kingdom were sad and missed their magical friend.
But one brave little girl named Lily had an idea.
Lily gathered all the children and together they cast a spell of love and friendship.
Their spell broke the wicked witch's curse, and Dala Vault turned back into a magical pony.