In the heart of a Florida State Prison, Dalis, an inmate, is introduced to a program by Canine Companions for Independence (CCI) that allows her to train service dogs. She is paired with a black Labrador named Len.
As they spend time together, Dalis teaches Len various commands like 'Down' and 'Stay'. The process is both fun and challenging, with Dalis using treats and patience to train Len.
The bond between them grows stronger with each passing day. Dalis recalls her toy yorkie, Max, back home and the love she has for dogs.
While training Len, Dalis remembers the joy she felt when Max would 'Stay' by her side. She realizes that she can make a difference in Len's life, just as Max did in hers.
In the prison environment, Dalis and Len face challenges, like distractions and noise. Dalis learns to be patient and persistent, celebrating every success they achieve together.
Dalis and Len practice 'Down' and 'Stay' in different locations within the prison. They use creative ways to make the training sessions engaging and enjoyable.
Len loves the treats Dalis gives him whenever he follows the commands correctly. His tail wags with excitement, and Dalis can't help but smile with pride.
One day, during their training session, Dalis accidentally drops the treats. Len, remembering his training, stays in the 'Down' position even without the incentive.
Dalis realizes how much Len has learned and grown. She feels grateful for the opportunity to train service dogs and make a positive impact on their lives.
Dalis and Len's journey continues, filled with love, dedication, and the joy of knowing they are making a difference. Together, they are a powerful team.