Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a brave young shepherd named David. He took care of his father's sheep and played the harp. David was very confident in his abilities.
One day, an evil giant named Goliath came to David's village. Goliath was big and scary, and he challenged all the brave men in the village to fight him. Everyone was scared and no one stepped forward.
But David knew he could defeat Goliath. He went to the king and offered to fight the giant. The king was surprised by David's confidence but allowed him to try.
David didn't wear heavy armor or use a sword. Instead, he chose five smooth stones and put them in his sling. He knew that with his skill and confidence, he could defeat Goliath.
When David faced Goliath on the battlefield, everyone laughed at him. But David didn't let their doubts bring him down. He believed in himself and his abilities.
David swung the sling and hurled a stone at Goliath. The stone hit the giant right in the forehead, and Goliath fell to the ground. Everyone in the village was amazed at David's bravery and skill.
David's confidence helped him overcome his fears and achieve victory. The people celebrated his triumph, and David became a hero in their eyes.
The story of David and Goliath teaches us that even the smallest and least expected person can accomplish great things with confidence and determination.
Reflection Questions