Once upon a time in the magical land, there lived a young dragon named Dexter, who loved to soar and glide. But when it came to math, poor Dexter felt his heart sink. He barely knew how to count or think!
Dexter gazed up high, where the wise old owl perched nearby. "Hoot, hoot, young dragon, let me teach you something fun. Counting is easy when you step by one! One, two, three, four, soon you'll beg for more!" The owl's words echoed in Dexter's head, as he flapped his wings and off he sped.
Zooming through the sky, Dexter spotted a playful fox and leaped down with no second thoughts. The fox spun around on the playful ground, yipping and yapping, tail wagging, ready to teach Dexter about adding!
They found four shiny apples on a nearby tree. "One, two, three, four," the fox sing-songed, making Dexter's heart leap and pound. "If we take one away and eat until dawn, how many apples will finally be gone?" Dexter counted and thought with all his might, then grinned wide and shouted with delight.
"Three apples left, with a bite or two!" Dexter whooped, feeling oh so new. With counting and adding, he was doing just fine, thanks to his friends, the owl and the foxy canine.
From that day on, Dexter practiced every day, with rocks, apples, and even plush toys at play. Making math more fun than ever before, Dexter the Dragon learned to count and soar!
Now, every night when the stars twinkle and gleam, Dexter, the counting dragon, tells his new math dream. As he drifts off to sleep, he counts and adds with glee, knowing that learning something new isn't as scary as can be!