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Dino's Daring Day

Dino the dinosaur danced and dived in the dandelion fields.

Green with bright sparkling eyes, swinging tail is a green dinosaur, with big, bright, sparkling eyes, swinging his tail in a field of yellow dandelions.

He hummed and hopped, happy as can be, until he heard a noisy nibble coming from the nearby trees.

Green with bright sparkling eyes, swinging tail's eyes widen as he hears a loud crunching noise coming from the trees. Butterflies flutter around his head as he looks on in surprise.

Curious and cautious, Dino crept closer, to find a tiny blue bunny, nibbling on a berry.

Green with bright sparkling eyes, swinging tail is now tiptoeing, with his eyes wide open, as he notices a small blue bunny munching on a bright red berry, amidst the green bushes.

He chuckled and chirped as he chatted with the bunny, then they both bounded to the babbling brook for a bath.

Green with bright sparkling eyes, swinging tail and the bunny are now giggling and making bird-like sounds as they talk, then they jump and dash towards the glistening, babbling brook for a refreshing bath.

They splished and splashed, spraying sparkling water, stars, and sunbeams, before snuggling up for a sweet, sleepy, snore.

Green with bright sparkling eyes, swinging tail and the bunny are now having a wonderful time playing in the water, making loud, splashing and spraying sounds, with the sun shining brightly over them. They then cuddle close to each other for a cozy, quiet sleep.

As the night fell, Dino dreamt of dancing dandelions, while the bunny dreamed of brilliant blueberries.

Green with bright sparkling eyes, swinging tail is now fast asleep, snoring softly, as he dreams of dancing dandelions in a starry night. The little blue bunny is also fast asleep, dreaming of delicious, bright blueberries.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Dino felt when he found the bunny?
  • Why do you think Dino and the bunny went to the babbling brook?
  • What do you like to dream about before bed?

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