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Dino's Forest Adventure

Dino walked through the tall green trees.

Friendly green dinosaur with a kind smile. in a lush green forest with big trees

He listened to the sounds around him.

Friendly green dinosaur with a kind smile. with his ears perked up, listening

He heard the leaves rustling in the wind.

Leaves rustling in the wind near Friendly green dinosaur with a kind smile.

He heard a bird chirping happily.

A bird perched on a branch, chirping

Then he heard a small voice crying for help.

A small creature crying for help

Following the sound, Dino found a lost baby dinosaur.

Friendly green dinosaur with a kind smile. finding a lost Cute blue dinosaur with big eyes and soft scales. in the forest

Dino listened to the little dinosaur's story.

Friendly green dinosaur with a kind smile. and the Cute blue dinosaur with big eyes and soft scales. talking

The baby dinosaur pointed towards its family.

Baby dinosaur pointing towards its family in distance

Dino listened carefully and led the baby dinosaur back to its family.

Friendly green dinosaur with a kind smile. guiding the Cute blue dinosaur with big eyes and soft scales. back to its family

The baby dinosaur's family was overjoyed and thanked Dino.

Baby dinosaur's family happily together with Friendly green dinosaur with a kind smile.

Reflection Questions

  • Why was Dino walking through the forest?
  • What sound made Dino stop and listen?
  • How did Dino help the lost baby dinosaur?

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