Once upon a time in DinoLand, there lived a little dinosaur named Dino. Dino loved exploring and learning new things. One day, Dino had a brilliant idea. 'I want to learn about the planets!' said Dino. So, he hopped into his spaceship and zoomed off into space!
As Dino flew through space, he spotted Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun. 'Hello, Mercury!' called out Dino. 'Why are you so hot?' Mercury, a shiny silver planet, replied, 'Because I'm the Sun's favorite spot!' Dino giggled and waved goodbye.
Next, Dino reached Venus, the brightest planet in the night sky. 'Hello, Venus!' said Dino. 'Why are you so shiny?' Venus, a sparkly golden planet, replied, 'Because I'm covered in clouds so brightly!' Dino smiled and waved goodbye.
Mars was next on Dino's journey. 'Hello, Mars!' exclaimed Dino. 'Why are you so red?' Mars, a rusty red planet, replied, 'Because I have lots of iron spread!' Dino chuckled and waved goodbye.
Onward, Dino reached Jupiter, the biggest planet of them all. 'Hello, Jupiter!' shouted Dino. 'Why are you so huge?' Jupiter, a giant orange and white planet, replied with a rumble, 'Because I have a giant red spot, a storm to subdue!' Dino laughed and waved goodbye.
Finally, Dino arrived at Saturn, the planet with beautiful rings. 'Hello, Saturn!' cheered Dino. 'Why are your rings so pretty?' Saturn, a yellow planet encircled by colorful rings, replied, 'Because my rings are made of icy debris!' Dino grinned and waved goodbye.
Reflection Questions