Once upon a time, in a land full of dinosaurs and dreams, Lived a little dino named Dino, with big eyes that gleamed. Dino loved to explore and learn new things, So off to space, with a rocket, he spread his wings!
Countdown started, 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... With a whoosh and a rumble, the rocket took off in the sun. Dino held tight, feeling the thrill and the speed, As the rocket soared high, planting a smile on his little dino-bead.
Zooming past stars and planets, Dino felt so amazed, His tiny dino heart filled with wonder, as through the cosmos he blazed. He met the Moon, who waved with a glow so bright, And even said, 'Goodnight, Dino!' before turning off its light.
Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter, oh my! Dino couldn't believe the beauty that soared by. He made friends with Saturn's rings, round and neat, And laughed at Uranus, with its funny sideways sheet!
But then, it was time to say goodbye to all the planets he'd seen, Dino's small rocket turned around, back to where he'd been. With a swoosh and a tumble, he returned to the land, Full of stories and memories, so grand!
Reflection Questions