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Dog and Cat's Friendly Adventure

Dog and Cat played in the park.

Friendly brown dog with a wagging tail and Cute gray cat with big curious eyes playing chase with a ball

Dog chased the ball, but it rolled into a pond.

Friendly brown dog with a wagging tail reaching for the ball in the pond

Cat was afraid of the water.

Cute gray cat with big curious eyes hiding behind a tree, scared

Dog jumped into the pond and got the ball.

Friendly brown dog with a wagging tail swimming in the pond, holding the ball

Cat was impressed by Dog's bravery.

Cute gray cat with big curious eyes looking at Friendly brown dog with a wagging tail with admiration

They played together and became best friends.

Friendly brown dog with a wagging tail and Cute gray cat with big curious eyes playing and smiling together

Reflection Questions

  • How did Dog and Cat become friends?
  • Why was Cat afraid of the water?
  • What did Dog do to help Cat feel better?

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