One sunny day, Donald Duck and his friends Mickey and Goofy decided to visit Adventure Island.
The friends packed their bags with snacks, a map, and a camera for pictures.
As they boarded the boat, Donald felt a bit scared but didn't want to show it.
Mickey noticed Donald's quietness and whispered, 'It's okay to be scared, we’re here with you.'
With a smile, Donald thanked Mickey. The boat began to move and Adventure Island got closer.
On the island, they found a treasure map. 'Let’s look for treasure!' exclaimed Goofy excitedly.
They followed the map through the jungle, passing colorful birds and chattering monkeys.
Suddenly, they reached a dark cave. 'It looks spooky,' said Donald, gripping the map tightly.
Goofy held Donald's hand, and Mickey led the way with a flashlight, lighting up the cave.
Inside the cave, they found the treasure chest gleaming with gold. 'We did it together!' cheered Mickey.
They shared the treasure equally and promised to always adventure as a team.
Back home, they recounted the day's excitement, ready for the next grand adventure.
Reflection Questions