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Dragon Learns to Count

Once upon a time, there was a little dragon named Sparky.

What is the name of the little dragon?

  • A) Sparky
  • B)
Small green dragon with big yellow eyes is a small, green dragon with big yellow eyes.

Sparky loved playing with his dragon friends, but he was sad because he couldn't count like them.

Why was Sparky sad?

  • A) He couldn't count like his friends.
  • B)
Small green dragon with big yellow eyes is sitting alone, with a sad face, looking at his dragon friends playing.

One day, Sparky decided to ask his wise old grandma for help.

Who did Sparky ask for help?

  • A) His wise old grandma
  • B)
Small green dragon with big yellow eyes is talking to his wise old grandma dragon, who is big and has gray scales.

Grandma dragon gave Sparky a magical book that taught him how to count.

What did Grandma dragon give Sparky?

  • A) A magical book
  • B)
Small green dragon with big yellow eyes is holding a magical book that is open, and sparkles are coming out of it.

Sparky practiced every day with the magical book until he could count to ten all by himself.

What did Sparky practice every day?

  • A) Counting to ten
  • B)
Small green dragon with big yellow eyes is sitting at a table, counting colorful toys up to ten.

Finally, Sparky felt so proud of himself for learning how to count.

How did Sparky feel after learning how to count?

  • A) Proud
  • B)
Small green dragon with big yellow eyes is jumping up and down, with a big smile on his face.

From that day on, Sparky could play counting games with his friends and have lots of fun.

What could Sparky do after learning how to count?

  • A) Play counting games with his friends
  • B)
Small green dragon with big yellow eyes is playing with his dragon friends, smiling and having a great time.

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