Once upon a time, there was a four-year-old boy named Elijah who ran his own gummy bear shop. In Elijah's store, little steam trains delivered the yummy gummy bears to the customers.
One day, a gummy bear went missing inside a big cave located in a mountain called Mystery Mountain.
Elijah and his friend, Baadie the lamb, decided to go on an adventurous rescue mission to find the lost gummy bear.
Inside the dark and mysterious cave, Elijah and Baadie used their problem-solving skills to search for the missing gummy bear.
They followed a trail of colorful gummy bear wrappers, leading them deeper into the cave.
Finally, they spotted the lost gummy bear trapped among the rocks.
With teamwork and determination, Elijah and Baadie carefully freed the gummy bear and brought it back to the shop.
Everyone in the gummy bear shop cheered as Elijah and Baadie returned, celebrating their successful adventure and the safe return of the lost gummy bear.
Reflection Questions