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Emma's Adventures in a Digital World

Page 1: Emma woke up excited to start her day.

Emma smiling in her bedroom with sunlight streaming in

Page 2: She decided to have a healthy breakfast to fuel her brain.

Emma holding a plate of fruits and cereal

Page 3: Emma made a list of things she was grateful for.

Emma sitting at a desk, surrounded by colorful sticky notes with things like 'family' and 'friends' written on them

Page 4: Emma went for a walk in nature and enjoyed the fresh air.

Emma walking in a lush green park, surrounded by trees and flowers

Page 5: Emma played a board game with her family instead of using screens.

Emma sitting at a table, smiling and playing a board game with her family

Page 6: Emma took breaks from her screen time to do fun activities.

Emma doing various activities like drawing, playing outside, and reading a book

Page 7: Emma talked to her parents about how she was feeling.

Emma sitting on a couch with her parents, having a conversation and feeling understood

Page 8: Emma spent time with her friends, laughing and having fun.

Emma and her friends playing games and laughing together

Page 9: Emma practiced deep breathing when she felt stressed.

Emma sitting with her eyes closed and taking deep breaths

Page 10: Emma ended her day by writing in her journal.

Emma sitting in bed with a journal, writing her thoughts and feelings

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