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Ewan Learns About Responsibility

Ewan, with light skin and dark hair, visits his older brother in Texas.

Light-skinned boy with dark hair, wearing a blue shirt. and his brother in a sunny Texas town

His brother, Win, has green eyes and loves to play.

Green-eyed older brother with brown hair, wearing a red cap. running and laughing in a playground

One day, Ewan accidentally broke Win's favorite toy car.

Light-skinned boy with dark hair, wearing a blue shirt. looking guilty, holding the broken toy car

Win felt sad, but Ewan didn't know what to do.

Green-eyed older brother with brown hair, wearing a red cap. holding his broken toy car with a sad expression

Ewan realized he needed to take responsibility for his actions.

Light-skinned boy with dark hair, wearing a blue shirt. with a determined face, ready to make things right

He apologized to Win and promised to be more careful.

Light-skinned boy with dark hair, wearing a blue shirt. saying sorry with a sincere expression

Ewan worked hard to save money and buy Win a new toy.

Light-skinned boy with dark hair, wearing a blue shirt. doing chores and saving money in a piggy bank

When Ewan gave Win the new car, Win forgave him.

Green-eyed older brother with brown hair, wearing a red cap. smiling and hugging Light-skinned boy with dark hair, wearing a blue shirt. with the new toy car

From then on, Ewan thought before doing things that might cause problems.

Light-skinned boy with dark hair, wearing a blue shirt. thinking with a thinking bubble above his head

Ewan and Win played happily, learning lessons of responsibility.

Light-skinned boy with dark hair, wearing a blue shirt. and Green-eyed older brother with brown hair, wearing a red cap. playing together with smiles on their faces

Reflection Questions

  • What did Ewan accidentally break?
  • What did Ewan do to make things right?
  • What did Ewan learn about responsibility?

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