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Find the Cheese! Mimi and the Mouse Gang

Mimi and her friends search for the missing cheese.

Brown cat with a pink ribbon on her tail and friends looking for missing cheese

They go to the forest and ask Mr. Owl.

Brown cat with a pink ribbon on her tail and friends ask Mr Owl in the forest

Mr. Owl saw a mouse taking the cheese.

Mr Owl saw a mouse with cheese

They find the mouse named Whiskers.

Brown cat with a pink ribbon on her tail and friends find mouse named Grey mouse with a cheese-shaped hat

Whiskers took the cheese to feed his family.

Grey mouse with a cheese-shaped hat took cheese for his family

Mimi shares their cheese with Whiskers.

Brown cat with a pink ribbon on her tail shares cheese with Grey mouse with a cheese-shaped hat

Now Mimi and Whiskers are best friends.

Brown cat with a pink ribbon on her tail and Grey mouse with a cheese-shaped hat become best friends

They enjoy cheese parties together forever.

Brown cat with a pink ribbon on her tail and Grey mouse with a cheese-shaped hat enjoy cheese parties together

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