In a tiny cottage in the tranquil Heartwoods, lived a fairy named Fiona. She loved colors.
Every evening, as the sun began to sink, Fiona would gather her magical paints and brushes.
With a delicate flutter, Fiona soared up, her wings shimmering in the fading light.
Tonight, she decided, the sky would be a mix of soft peach and warm lavender.
She danced across the clouds, brushing them with hues, turning grey to gold.
As the colors blended, the woodland creatures gathered to watch in awe.
A young squirrel, enchanted by the sight, scampered up a tree for a better view.
Fiona dipped her brush in a sapphire blue, swirling it into the sky's canvas.
She then sparked the first stars to life, her hand a whisper in the twilight.
The evening's masterpiece complete, Fiona rested upon a crescent moon, smiling.
The woodland friends cheered, grateful for the beauty Fiona brought to their evenings.
As night fell, the colors faded to dark, but the creatures knew Fiona would return tomorrow.
Reflection Questions