Once upon a time, there were two conure birds named Flower and Chicle. They were very curious birds and always loved exploring. One sunny day, they set off on an adventure to find something special. They flew high in the sky, chirping happily as they searched.
They looked in the tall trees, but couldn't find what they were looking for. They searched in the blooming flowers, but still no luck. Flower and Chicle didn't give up and kept flying around, hoping to find their treasure.
Suddenly, they spotted a girl named Helen walking near San Jose Elementary School. They flew down and asked her for help. Helen was kind and agreed to search for the treasure with them. They went inside the school and looked in every nook and cranny.
The students and teachers were amazed to see the two colorful birds. They all joined in the search, laughing and cheering. Finally, Flower and Chicle found a hidden chest filled with secret bird treats! They chirped with joy and shared the treats with everyone.
When they returned home with Helen, they were surprised to find that Stacey, Helen's mom, had a secret surprise waiting for her. For helping the birds, Helen received a special gift and a big hug!