Once upon a time, in a small town, two friends named Maya and Liam were walking home from school.
Suddenly, they saw two ghosts standing in the middle of the road. The ghosts were translucent and glowing.
Maya and Liam were scared at first, but then they realized that the ghosts were not scary at all. They were friendly and smiling.
The ghosts introduced themselves as Casper and Lily. Casper was a friendly ghost with a mischievous grin and a blue glow, while Lily had a kind smile and a pink glow.
Casper and Lily explained that they were lost and needed help finding their way back to their ghost town.
Maya and Liam agreed to help them and together they walked through the ghost town, filled with mysterious homes and friendly spirits.
With Maya's amazing sense of direction and Liam's bravery, they were able to find the way back for Casper and Lily.
Casper and Lily were grateful for their help and thanked Maya and Liam before disappearing into the ghost town once more.
Reflection Questions