Once upon a time in the magical kingdom of Frostland, there lived a brave ice dragon named Frosty.
Frosty had shimmering blue scales and big, kind eyes.
But Frosty had one big fear - he was afraid of flying.
One day, Frosty heard a frightening news. The fire dragons led by Blazing Flame were planning to invade the peaceful kingdom!
Frosty knew he had to overcome his fear to protect his kingdom.
With the help of his best friend, Snowball the snow owl, Frosty started practicing flying.
They flew high, swooped low, and even did loops in the sky. Frosty was getting better every day!
Finally, the day of the battle arrived. Frosty soared through the sky, breathing icy mist to extinguish the fire dragons' flames.
The fire dragons were no match for Frosty's freezing powers. They fled, leaving the kingdom safe once again.
The kingdom celebrated Frosty's bravery, and he realized that he was no longer afraid of flying.
From that day on, Frosty continued to protect the kingdom, flying high and keeping the peace.
Reflection Questions