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Georgia and Calvin's Quiet Day at the Fair

One sunny day, Georgia and Calvin went to a fair.

A little girl with brown pigtails and a pink dress. and A boy with brown hair and a blue t-shirt. at a colorful fair

They rode a Ferris wheel and saw a big view.

A little girl with brown pigtails and a pink dress. and A boy with brown hair and a blue t-shirt. on a Ferris wheel

Next, they played a game and won a stuffed bear.

A little girl with brown pigtails and a pink dress. and A boy with brown hair and a blue t-shirt. with a big stuffed bear

Hungry, they got cotton candy, hot dogs, and soda.

A little girl with brown pigtails and a pink dress. and A boy with brown hair and a blue t-shirt. eating fair food

They listened to music and watched a magic show.

A little girl with brown pigtails and a pink dress. and A boy with brown hair and a blue t-shirt. amazed by magic tricks

After that, they went on a merry-go-round ride.

A little girl with brown pigtails and a pink dress. and A boy with brown hair and a blue t-shirt. on a merry-go-round

The siblings played a game of tossing frisbees.

A little girl with brown pigtails and a pink dress. and A boy with brown hair and a blue t-shirt. playing frisbee together

Calvin bought Georgia a pretty balloon to hold.

A little girl with brown pigtails and a pink dress. holding a colorful balloon from A boy with brown hair and a blue t-shirt.

As the sun set, they enjoyed a beautiful fireworks show.

A little girl with brown pigtails and a pink dress. and A boy with brown hair and a blue t-shirt. watching colorful fireworks in the sky

Tired but happy, they left the fair hand in hand.

A little girl with brown pigtails and a pink dress. and A boy with brown hair and a blue t-shirt. walking away, smiling

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