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Ghost the Fearful

Ghost was a timid spirit who lived in an old abandoned house. بھوت ایک ڈرپوک روح تھا جو ایک پرانے اجڑے گھر میں رہتا تھا۔

Dark and dusty house, Translucent white, glowing with a hint of sadness floating near broken furniture

He was afraid of humans and would hide whenever he heard their footsteps. وہ انسانوں سے ڈرتا تھا اور جب بھی ان کے قدموں کی آواز سنتا تھا تو چھپ جاتا تھا۔

Translucent white, glowing with a hint of sadness hiding under the bed, humans passing by outside

One day, a curious girl named Lily moved into the house. ایک دن، للی نامی ایک متجسس لڑکی گھر میں چلی گئی۔

Curly-haired girl with a bright smile, always curious with a backpack at the doorstep, Translucent white, glowing with a hint of sadness observing from afar

Lily had always been fascinated by ghosts and wanted to befriend one. للی ہمیشہ سے بھوتوں کی طرف متوجہ تھی اور کسی سے دوستی کرنا چاہتی تھی۔

Curly-haired girl with a bright smile, always curious holding a book about ghosts, looking excited

Ghost watched Lily from the shadows, scared but intrigued by her bravery. بھوت نے للی کو سائے سے دیکھا، خوفزدہ لیکن اس کی بہادری سے متجسس۔

Translucent white, glowing with a hint of sadness peeping behind curtains, watching Curly-haired girl with a bright smile, always curious's every move

Every day, Lily would leave small gifts for Ghost to show her friendship. ہر روز، للی اپنی دوستی ظاہر کرنے کے لیے گھوسٹ کے لیے چھوٹے چھوٹے تحائف چھوڑتی تھی۔

Gifts like drawings and toys near Translucent white, glowing with a hint of sadness's hiding spot

Over time, Ghost started to trust Lily and ventured out of hiding. وقت گزرنے کے ساتھ، گھوسٹ نے للی پر بھروسہ کرنا شروع کر دیا اور چھپنے کی کوشش کی۔

Translucent white, glowing with a hint of sadness cautiously floating towards Curly-haired girl with a bright smile, always curious with a smile

Thanks to Lily's patience and kindness, Ghost learned that not all humans were scary. للی کے صبر اور مہربانی کی بدولت، گھوسٹ نے سیکھا کہ تمام انسان خوفناک نہیں ہوتے۔

Translucent white, glowing with a hint of sadness holding hands with Curly-haired girl with a bright smile, always curious, surrounded by a warm light

Reflection Questions

  • Why was Ghost afraid of humans?
  • How did Lily show her friendship to Ghost?
  • What did Ghost learn from Lily's patience?

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