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Grandma's Surprise

Rabbit hops to grandma's house through the forest.

Cute white rabbit with long ears and a red bowtie hopping happily through the colorful forest

Rabbit sees a wolf at the edge of the forest.

Cute white rabbit with long ears and a red bowtie looking scared while the wolf lurks nearby

Rabbit thinks of a plan to trick the wolf.

Cute white rabbit with long ears and a red bowtie thinking with a puzzled expression on its face

Rabbit puts on a disguise as a fox.

Cute white rabbit with long ears and a red bowtie wearing a fox costume with a sly smile

Rabbit approaches the wolf while pretending to be a fox.

Cute white rabbit with long ears and a red bowtie sneaking up on the wolf in the disguise

Wolf is fooled by the rabbit's disguise.

Big gray wolf with sharp teeth and yellow eyes looking surprised as the rabbit tricks it

Rabbit quickly runs past the confused wolf.

Cute white rabbit with long ears and a red bowtie running fast while the wolf looks confused

Rabbit reaches grandma's house safely.

Cute white rabbit with long ears and a red bowtie knocking on grandma's brightly colored door happily

Reflection Questions

  • What did Rabbit see at the edge of the forest?
  • What did Rabbit disguise itself as?
  • How did Rabbit trick the wolf?

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