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Greedy Man and the Lost Duck
L'homme gourmand et le canard perdu
Once upon a time, in a green meadow, there lived a greedy man named Jack. He loved money more than anything else in the world. One day, as he was walking by a beautiful pond, he saw a little duck swimming happily. Greedy Jack had a wicked idea. He wanted to catch the duck and sell its feathers to make lots of money. Il était une fois, dans un pré vert, vivait un homme avare nommé Jack. Il aimait l’argent plus que toute autre chose au monde. Un jour, alors qu'il se promenait au bord d'un bel étang, il aperçut un petit canard qui nageait joyeusement. Greedy Jack a eu une mauvaise idée. Il voulait attraper le canard et vendre ses plumes pour gagner beaucoup d'argent.
A man with dark hair and glasses, a man with dark hair and glasses, walking near a pond. A small A small duck swimming happily swimming happily.
Jack stealthily crept towards the duck, thinking about all the riches it would bring him. But as he reached out to grab it, he accidentally startled the duck. It flapped its wings in fright and flew away quickly, leaving Jack empty-handed. Jack se glissa furtivement vers le canard, pensant à toutes les richesses que cela lui apporterait. Mais alors qu'il tendait la main pour l'attraper, il fit accidentellement sursauter le canard. Il battit des ailes de peur et s'envola rapidement, laissant Jack les mains vides.
A man with dark hair and glasses, stretching his arm towards the A small duck swimming happily, with surprise on his face. The A small duck swimming happily flapping its wings and flying away.
As Jack watched the duck disappear into the sky, he realized what he had done. He had scared away the duck because of his greed. Feeling guilty, Jack sat down by the pond, thinking about how he could make up for his mistake. Alors que Jack regardait le canard disparaître dans le ciel, il réalisa ce qu'il avait fait. Il avait fait fuir le canard à cause de sa cupidité. Se sentant coupable, Jack s'assit au bord de l'étang, réfléchissant à la façon dont il pourrait rattraper son erreur.
A man with dark hair and glasses sitting next to the pond, looking sad and thoughtful.
Jack decided to become a responsible person and take care of the animals around him. He started by feeding the birds and ducks in the park every day. Slowly, the animals began to trust him and gathered around him whenever he arrived. Jack a décidé de devenir une personne responsable et de prendre soin des animaux qui l'entourent. Il a commencé par nourrir quotidiennement les oiseaux et les canards du parc. Petit à petit, les animaux ont commencé à lui faire confiance et se sont rassemblés autour de lui à son arrivée.
A man with dark hair and glasses giving bread crumbs to birds and A small duck swimming happilys in the park, with animals happily gathering around him.
Jack realized that money couldn't buy happiness. Taking care of others and being responsible brought him more joy than anything else. From that day forward, he became known as 'Kind Jack' and lived a happy and fulfilling life with the animals he loved. Jack s'est rendu compte que l'argent ne pouvait pas acheter le bonheur. Prendre soin des autres et être responsable lui apportait plus de joie qu’autre chose. À partir de ce jour, il est devenu connu sous le nom de « Kind Jack » et a vécu une vie heureuse et épanouissante avec les animaux qu’il aimait.
A man with dark hair and glasses, smiling and surrounded by birds and A small duck swimming happilys, enjoying their company.

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Jack want to catch the duck?
  • What happened when Jack tried to catch the duck?
  • What did Jack do to make up for his mistake?

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