Once upon a time, in the magical land of Hogwarts, there lived a young wizard named Harry Potter. He was known for his lightning bolt scar on his forehead and his round glasses. Harry was a brave and curious boy who loved exploring the secrets of magic. One day, as he was reading books in the Hogwarts library, he stumbled upon a hidden passage. Curiosity took hold of him, and he decided to venture into the unknown.
As Harry entered the secret passage, he found himself in a mysterious room filled with ancient artifacts and glowing potions. Suddenly, a riddle appeared on the wall: 'Only the pure of heart shall unlock the magic door.' Determined to solve the riddle, Harry thought about his journey at Hogwarts, where he had learned the importance of bravery, kindness, and love.
With his heart filled with goodness, Harry deciphered the riddle and a magical door appeared. Beyond the door, he discovered a room filled with enchanted creatures. There was a mischievous gnome with pointy ears, a wise owl with golden feathers, and a playful unicorn with a shimmering horn. Each creature had its own unique magic, teaching Harry valuable lessons about friendship, wisdom, and imagination.
After spending an incredible adventure with the enchanted creatures, Harry realized that the secret of magic was not just in spells and potions, but in the power of the heart. He returned to Hogwarts, eager to share his newfound wisdom with his friends and teachers. From that day forward, Harry understood that magic existed within everyone, waiting to be unlocked through kindness, courage, and love.
Reflection Questions