Once upon a time in the magical land of Zephyria, two brave siblings named Hemal and Hetal lived. They were known for their bravery, kindness, and cleverness.
One sunny morning, a fearsome dragon named Draco attacked the peaceful village. Hemal and Hetal knew they had to stand up against this mighty foe and protect their village.
With unwavering confidence, Hemal said, "Don't worry, Hetal! We can defeat him if we work together." Hetal replied, "Yes, Hemal! We have courage in our hearts." The siblings stood tall, ready to face Draco.
As they battled, Draco blew fire and raised his sharp claws. But Hemal and Hetal dodged, weaved, and fought back with their magic swords. Their confidence never wavered, their hearts filled with bravery.
In the end, Hemal and Hetal defeated Draco, sending him flying away. The village cheered and celebrated their victory! Hemal and Hetal's confidence had triumphed over fear, and they became the legends of dragon war.
Reflection Questions