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How to Make an English Sentence
كيف تصنع جملة إنجليزية
Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily. She loved to speak in English, but she had trouble making sentences. One day, Lily decided to learn how to make a sentence. She grabbed a pencil and paper and got ready to solve her problem. ذات مرة ، كانت هناك فتاة اسمها ليلي. كانت تحب التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية ، لكنها كانت تواجه مشكلة في تكوين الجمل. ذات يوم ، قررت ليلي أن تتعلم كيف تصنع جملة. أمسكت بقلم رصاص وورقة واستعدت لحل مشكلتها.
A girl with brown hair, wearing glasses, and holding a pencil holding a pencil and paper, thinking about making sentences
First, Lily wrote down a subject. She chose 'Lily' because it was about herself. Then, she wrote down a verb, which is the action word. She picked 'loves' because she loves many things. After that, Lily added an object to complete the sentence. She wrote 'English' because she loves speaking in English. أولاً ، كتبت ليلي موضوعًا. اختارت "ليلي" لأنها كانت تدور حول نفسها. ثم كتبت فعلًا ، وهو كلمة العمل. اختارت "يحب" لأنها تحب أشياء كثيرة. بعد ذلك ، أضافت ليلي كائنًا لإكمال الجملة. كتبت "الإنجليزية" لأنها تحب التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية.
A girl with brown hair, wearing glasses, and holding a pencil writing 'Lily loves English' on a piece of paper
Next, Lily wanted to make a longer sentence. She thought of a sentence with two actions. Lily wrote 'Lily eats' as the first verb. Then, she added 'apples' as the first object. After that, Lily wrote 'and drinks' as the second verb. Finally, she added 'orange juice' as the second object. بعد ذلك ، أرادت ليلي أن تصنع جملة أطول. فكرت في جملة بفعلتين. كتب ليلي "ليلي يأكل" كأول فعل. ثم أضافت "تفاح" كأول كائن. بعد ذلك ، كتب ليلي "ويشرب" باعتباره الفعل الثاني. أخيرًا ، أضافت "عصير برتقال" ككائن ثانٍ.
A girl with brown hair, wearing glasses, and holding a pencil writing 'Lily eats apples and drinks orange juice' on a piece of paper
Lily was proud of her progress, but she wanted to make more interesting sentences. She thought of using adjectives to describe things. Lily wrote 'Lily is' as the verb. Then, she added 'happy' as the adjective to describe herself. After that, she wrote 'because she' as the continuation. Finally, Lily added 'has fun' as the second verb. كانت ليلي فخورة بتقدمها ، لكنها أرادت أن تصنع جملًا أكثر تشويقًا. فكرت في استخدام الصفات لوصف الأشياء. كتب ليلي "Lily is" مثل الفعل. ثم أضافت "سعيدة" كصفة لوصف نفسها. بعد ذلك ، كتبت "لأنها" استمرارًا. أخيرًا ، أضافت ليلي "استمتع" بالفعل الثاني.
A girl with brown hair, wearing glasses, and holding a pencil writing 'Lily is happy because she has fun' on a piece of paper
To practice even further, Lily thought about making a sentence with a preposition. She wrote 'Lily is' as the verb. Then, she added 'on' as the preposition. After that, she wrote 'the swing' as the object of the preposition. Finally, Lily added 'in the park' to show where she is. لمزيد من التدرب ، فكرت ليلي في تكوين جملة بحرف جر. كتبت "Lily is" مثل الفعل. ثم أضافت "on" كحرف جر. بعد ذلك ، كتبت "الأرجوحة" ككائن لحرف الجر. أخيرًا ، أضافت ليلي "in the park" لتظهر مكانها.
A girl with brown hair, wearing glasses, and holding a pencil writing 'Lily is on the swing in the park' on a piece of paper

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Lily have trouble making sentences?
  • What did Lily write as the first verb and object in the longer sentence?
  • What did Lily add to describe herself in the sentence with adjectives?

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