In a bright and colorful jungle, there lived a playful little creature named Hugo. He was as cheerful as the sun and loved to swing from the tall jungle trees, singing his own made-up songs.
One sunny day, Hugo decided to have a funny face contest. He practiced his silliest faces in the reflection of the shiny river and then invited all his friends to join.
The contest began and each jungle friend took turns making the craziest face. There were twisted trunks, snarled snouts, and even Zara the Zebra painted stripes on her face!
Hugo tried holding his breath, puffing out his cheeks, and sticking out his tongue. He looked so funny that a parrot laughed so hard, it almost fell off its branch!
It was time to decide the winner. Hugo thought everyone’s faces were the funniest, so he declared that all his friends won! They all cheered and laughed together.
To celebrate, Hugo led a joyful jungle parade. They marched, danced, and played music, making more funny faces all along the way. The jungle was filled with happiness!
As the sun set, Hugo felt sleepy. He yawned and said goodnight to the moon and stars, ready to dream of the next day's jungle fun.