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I Fratelli Separati

Due fratelli separati all'età di 5 e 6 anni.

Two brothers separated at the age of 5 and 6 Illustration: Two boys holding hands, then being pulled apart

Si incontrano da nemici.

They meet as enemies Illustration: Two boys facing each other with angry expressions

Affrontano tanti conflitti.

They face many conflicts Illustration: The two boys pushing and shoving each other

Non si riconoscono.

They don't recognize each other Illustration: The two boys looking confused and puzzled

Affrontano altri incontri scontro.

They have more confrontations Illustration: The two boys yelling at each other, fists clenched

Scoprono una foto della loro infanzia insieme.

They find a photo of their girlhood together Illustration: The two boys looking at a photo, surprise on their faces

Realizzano di essere fratelli.

They realize they are brothers Illustration: The two boys hugging each other tightly, tears in their eyes

Decidono di risolvere i loro problemi insieme.

They decide to solve their problems together Illustration: The two boys shaking hands, determination on their faces

Usano la comunicazione e il compromesso.

They use communication and compromise Illustration: The two boys sitting and talking, gesturing with their hands

Diventano inseparabili.

They become inseparable Illustration: The two boys walking hand in hand, smiles on their faces

Reflection Questions

  • Quali sono alcuni dei conflitti che i due fratelli affrontano?
  • Come si rendono conto che sono fratelli?
  • Cosa fanno i due fratelli per risolvere i loro problemi?

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