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Il viaggio subacqueo di Tina la tartaruga
Tina Turtle era piccola e verde. Viveva in uno stagno.
Small, green turtle with bright, friendly eyes Turtle in her pond, starting her day.
Tina nuotò. Poi nuotò giù.
Small, green turtle with bright, friendly eyes practicing her first simple swim patterns.
Tina ha incontrato un pesce. 'Ciao!' lei disse.
Small, green turtle with bright, friendly eyes encountering a fish and greeting it.
Il pesce faceva le bolle. Tina sorrise.
The fish communicates back to Small, green turtle with bright, friendly eyes with bubbles.
Tina vide i pesci nuotare in fila. Lei lo seguì.
Small, green turtle with bright, friendly eyes observes and joins a line of fish swimming.
La linea si fermò. C'era una roccia in mezzo.
The fish line is halted by an obstacle.
Tina ci pensò intensamente. Ha avuto un'idea!
Small, green turtle with bright, friendly eyes thinking about a solution to the problem.
Primo passo: guarda a sinistra. Fase due: guarda a destra.
Small, green turtle with bright, friendly eyes considers alternative paths using steps.
Fase tre: trova una lacuna. Fase quattro: vai avanti!
Small, green turtle with bright, friendly eyes figures out the steps to bypass the rock.
Il pesce seguì Tina. Erano liberi!
The fish follow Small, green turtle with bright, friendly eyes through the gap around the rock.
Tina ha aperto la strada. Ha fatto nuove amicizie.
Small, green turtle with bright, friendly eyes continues to lead with her new friends following.
Tina era felice. Ha aiutato pensando prima.
Small, green turtle with bright, friendly eyes is glad about solving the problem and helping others.

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