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Il volo del piccolo drago
In una lussureggiante foresta verde giaceva un giovane drago con un'ala ferita.

Where is the dragon when the story begins?

  • A) In a desert
  • B) In a city
  • C) In a forest
  • D) Underwater
A forest setting, with a A young dragon with shimmering scales and bright but sad eyes suffering from a wing injury.
Le sue scaglie brillavano alla luce del sole, ma i suoi occhi erano tristi e spaventati.

What do the dragon's eyes look like?

  • A) Happy and bright
  • B) Sad and scared
  • C) Angry and red
  • D) Playful and mischievous
The A young dragon with shimmering scales and bright but sad eyes is shown up close, looking sad and afraid.
Poi è arrivata Mia, una ragazza di buon cuore con un amore per le creature grandi e piccole.

Who finds the dragon?

  • A) A knight
  • B) A wizard
  • C) Mia, a kind-hearted girl
  • D) A giant
Introduction of A girl with a kind heart, brown hair, and caring brown eyes, the girl who discovers the A young dragon with shimmering scales and bright but sad eyes.
Mia si avvicinò dolcemente al drago, sussurrandogli parole di conforto.

How does Mia approach the dragon?

  • A) Loudly and boldly
  • B) Gently, with comforting words
  • C) With a net
  • D) Riding a horse
A girl with a kind heart, brown hair, and caring brown eyes approaches the A young dragon with shimmering scales and bright but sad eyes and tries to comfort it.
Corse a casa a prendere delle bende e una pozione dall'armadio di sua nonna.

What did Mia fetch to help the dragon?

  • A) A sword and shield
  • B) A treasure map
  • C) Bandages and a potion
  • D) A book of spells
A girl with a kind heart, brown hair, and caring brown eyes gathers supplies to treat the A young dragon with shimmering scales and bright but sad eyes's wound.
Con mani gentili, Mia curò la ferita del drago e gli diede la pozione curativa.

What does Mia do with the items she fetched?

  • A) She throws them away
  • B) She uses them to trap the dragon
  • C) She dresses the dragon's wound
  • D) She sells them for gold
A girl with a kind heart, brown hair, and caring brown eyes treats the A young dragon with shimmering scales and bright but sad eyes's wound with care.
Man mano che i giorni diventavano settimane, Mia visitava quotidianamente il drago, portando cibo e conforto.

How often did Mia visit the dragon?

  • A) Once a month
  • B) Every week
  • C) Once
  • D) Daily
A girl with a kind heart, brown hair, and caring brown eyes takes care of the A young dragon with shimmering scales and bright but sad eyes over time, showing dedication.
L'ala del drago cominciò a guarire, ma rimase a terra, timoroso di provare a volare.

Why doesn't the dragon try to fly?

  • A) It doesn't know how to fly
  • B) It is still too injured
  • C) It's afraid to try
  • D) It doesn't have wings
The A young dragon with shimmering scales and bright but sad eyes's wing is healing, but it's scared to fly.
Mia notò la paura del drago e si inginocchiò accanto a lui, offrendogli parole incoraggianti.

What does Mia offer the dragon to help it fly?

  • A) A magic feather
  • B) Encouraging words
  • C) A push
  • D) A ladder
A girl with a kind heart, brown hair, and caring brown eyes encourages the A young dragon with shimmering scales and bright but sad eyes, trying to alleviate its fear.
Raccontò storie di come il drago sarebbe volato ancora una volta in alto sopra gli alberi.

What stories does Mia tell the dragon?

  • A) About swimming in the ocean
  • B) About running fast
  • C) About soaring high above trees
  • D) About digging underground
A girl with a kind heart, brown hair, and caring brown eyes tells the A young dragon with shimmering scales and bright but sad eyes inspiring stories about flying.
Incoraggiato dalla fiducia di Mia in esso, il drago sbatté le ali e si sollevò da terra.

What made the dragon try to fly again?

  • A) Mia's faith in it
  • B) A strong wind
  • C) A scary predator
  • D) It saw another dragon fly
Influenced by A girl with a kind heart, brown hair, and caring brown eyes's faith, the A young dragon with shimmering scales and bright but sad eyes attempts to fly.
Ad ogni battito d'ali, il drago volava più in alto e Mia esultava di gioia.

What happens when the dragon flaps its wings?

  • A) It falls down
  • B) It turns invisible
  • C) It flies higher
  • D) It breathes fire
The A young dragon with shimmering scales and bright but sad eyes successfully flies as A girl with a kind heart, brown hair, and caring brown eyes cheers on.

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