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Ishaan and the Rainbow Friends

Ishaan is a fair skinned skinny Indian boy.

Fair-skinned, skinny Indian boy with curious eyes standing near a rainbow with a hidden staircase

He finds a hidden staircase near a rainbow.

Fair-skinned, skinny Indian boy with curious eyes discovering the hidden staircase near the rainbow

He starts climbing up the staircase.

Fair-skinned, skinny Indian boy with curious eyes climbing up the hidden staircase

Ishaan reaches the top and finds the Rainbow Friends.

Fair-skinned, skinny Indian boy with curious eyes meeting the Colorful beings wearing vibrant robes and sparkling crowns at the top

The Rainbow Friends include Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Cyan, Yellow.

Colorful beings wearing vibrant robes and sparkling crowns standing together with their respective colors

They board the space rocket Chandrayaan.

The Colorful beings wearing vibrant robes and sparkling crowns boarding the Chandrayaan rocket

They travel to the moon and spread magic.

The Colorful beings wearing vibrant robes and sparkling crowns on the moon spreading magic

The moon becomes rainbow colored as everyone rejoices.

The moon glowing with rainbow colors

Reflection Questions

  • How did Ishaan discover the hidden staircase?
  • What are the names of the Rainbow Friends?
  • What happened to the moon when the Rainbow Friends spread their magic?

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