Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a little boy named Jack. Jack and his mother were very poor and had little to live on.
They only had one cow, which was their only source of income. But one day, the cow stopped giving milk.
Jack's mother knew they needed money to survive, so she asked him to take the cow to town and sell it.
Feeling worried but obedient, Jack led the cow down the winding path toward the town market.
On his way, Jack met an old man who looked at him with a playful glimmer in his eyes.
The old man offered Jack some magic beans in exchange for the cow. Jack, intrigued by the magic, agreed.
Jack rushed home, eager to tell his mother about the beans. But she was angry and didn't believe in the magic.
In her anger, she threw the beans out the window. That night, Jack went to sleep with a heavy heart.
The next morning, Jack was astonished to see a massive beanstalk reaching up to the clouds outside his window.
Overcome with curiosity and a hint of excitement, Jack began to climb the towering plant.
Higher and higher he climbed, until the village below looked like dots scattered among fields.
Finally, Jack reached the top and found himself in a strange new world that he never knew existed.
Reflection Questions